Dammit! I was all set to make my special lady a cake to celebrate her birthday, and the darn cake didn't cooperate.
Sure, I'm no baker - but following directions on the back of a Betty Crocker Super-Moist Cake Mix box is child's play - seriously. So, what am I to think when the cake will not release from the pan - that I am an idiot? No - apparently, there are secret instructions:

Note: the box asked for you to "grease" the bottom of the cake pan. I sprayed the bottom with a seemingly generous amount of Pam (
the cooking spray, not your sketchy aunt). According to the
website FAQs, my "generous" amount is pretty stingy.

A TABLESPOON per layer? Well, why didn't you say so? That 77 cents I spent on this box of kitchen chemistry is now wasted, and I had to get a birthday cake from Target for $10. Lousy bankers!
Epilogue: I put the ruined cake pieces into a ziplock bag and put it in the freezer. Later this week, we will have a trifle from the ruined cake. RIP.