Monday, November 7, 2011

Recipe: Scrambled Eggs w/ Bacon

Sunday is usually the "fancy breakfast day" around here, and more times than not I make scrambled eggs w/ bacon. Most people serve their eggs and bacon side by side, but that's not how I do it.

This isn't how I do it either. Eggs in a can, WTF?!? Seriously, the recipe below is easier than opening, making, and digesting eggs from a can...

Scrambled Eggs w/ Bacon
Serves 4 hungry hungry hippos

  • 1/2 lb bacon - chopped small (see note)
  • 8-12 eggs (depends on hunger)
  • 3/4 Cup half & half (may need more depending on eggs)
  • 1 Tbs butter
  • Salt & pepper

  1. In a large frying pan, cook the bacon pieces over medium heat until almost crisp (a little leathery, but done)
  2. Meanwhile, into a large bowl, crack the desired number of eggs. Whisk to break-up the eggs. Add half & half and whisk to homogenize
  3. When the bacon is done, using a slotted spoon, evacuate the bacon to a paper towel-lined plate to reserve for later.
  4. Dump the bacon grease into the sink, but retain some in the bottom of the pan - that's the flavor. Return the filthy frying pan to the butner and add the 1 Tbs butter and allow to melt.
  5. Dump-in the eggs and begin gently stirring. Stir the eggs until curds begin to form on the bottom of the pan. As more and more curds form, scrape these off the bottom and keep stirring. It's this stirring action that will cook ALL the eggs to a delicious consistency.
  6. When the eggs are almost complete, add the bacon and cook together until complete. Done.
  7. Put on yo plate and shove in yo mouth!

  • Bacon chopping? >> Cutting bacon can be tough - especially when the bacon is fully softened. My trick is to use bacon that was in the freezer, and thawing it only slightly. If you have thawed bacon, try putting it in the freezer for 30 minutes or so before chopping. This should make it easier
  • Why a paper towel-lined plate? >> I'm helping you with clean-up for later. If you put bacon on a paper towel, the towel will soak-up the grease and keep the kitchen neat and orderly. If we do it your way, we'll all be slipping on bacon grease for the next few days - definitely sub-optimal.

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